False Positives

The project False Positives is about intelligent surveillance systems. These are camera’s that are said to be able to detect deviant behaviour within public space. False Positives is set around the question of normative behaviour. It aims to raise this question by basing the project on eight different ‘anomalies’.
These so called anomalies are sign in body-language and movement that could indicate criminal intent. It is through these anomalies the algorithms are built and cameras are able to detect deviant behaviour. The eight different anomalies were pointed out to me by several intelligent surveillance experts with whom I collaborated for this project.

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

False Positives
Published by Fw:books

False Positives, 2017

False Positives
Published by Fw:Books

Leporello glued in hardcover
48 pages
24 x 34 cm
Edition of 500
ISBN 978-94-90119-57-7
Design: Hans Gremmen
Text: Sophie Wright

Sold Out

Shortlisted for the Paris Photo / Aperture Foundation First Photo Book Award 2018.

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

Traveling Salesman

Traveling Salesman is based on the simple idea of a narrative about a walk. The story is about a traveling salesman. This idea is taken from a mathematical problem called ‘The Traveling Salesman Problem’. This problem asks the following question:

‘What is the shortest route through a list of cities in which you visit each city exactly once and return to the starting city?’

We might call it a mathematical problem about movement. Contrary to the simplicity of the question, this is in fact, a notoriously difficult problem to solve. The more places one has to visit, the harder it becomes to predict the shortest route. As of yet, there is no algorithm that can predict a completely optimal solution to this problem.
In an age where there is a pervasive need for everything to be controlled and quantified, I use the city as a metaphor for the unpredictable. My aim is to create tension between the predictability of the route and the unpredictability of the city itself. Ask yourself; is a routed walk ever the same on two different days?
Apart from photography I use different  visual approaches. The final work is a collection of photographs, screenprints, and image transfers. Through my work I reflect on (intangible) power structures in public space. To what extent are our movements determined by the architecture, surveillance and norms of this space? My interest is in using poetry to look at technology – so that we might relate to it on a more human level.

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

Audio Dérives

Audio Dérives is a site specific Audio Walk that takes place in and around the Amstel Park in Amsterdam. The project is now live and is best experienced in the park. Visit the exhibition space Zone2Source, located at the center of the park. The walk can be done outside of opening hours, just make sure to bring your phone and headphones. Within opening hours personal headphones are encouraged, though we provide in case you forget to bring them.

If you are unable to visit the park, but still want to listen to what we created, press play below.

In Audio Dérives the audience is turned into the performer. This audio walk takes the listener from the Amstel park to Amsterdam’s financial district the Zuidas. Guy Debord’s Theory of the Dérive (1956) is introduced while reflecting on the immediate surroundings and architecture of the neighborhood. This solitary experience examines the poetry of walking in the urban environment.
Solitary walks took on a different meaning during the pandemic. While the digital realm gained dominance within our daily lives, public space became one of the few places where art could be experienced safely. Audio Dérives uses text and original music to offer a refuge from the digital space that seemed so dominant during lock-down.

Audio Dérives
Script / Concept by Esther Hovers
Music / Recording by Lomar Brown
Editing / Recording by Hans Poel
Narration by Annemarie Wadlow

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

A Practice / 日课

For this calligraphy performance Liza Lin (Master) and Esther Hovers (Student) swap the usual ink and paper practice for water and pavement. The water used as writing material evaporates within minutes on a sunny day. Amidst traffic and passersby in the center of Rotterdam we create something beautiful for it to disappear seconds later.

书法表演:林用 & Esther Hovers
摄影与剪辑:Jorieke de Vet
音效设计: Jan Hovers
鹿特丹, 2023.
Calligraphy Performance: Liza Lin & Esther Hovers
Camera & Editing: Jorieke de Vet
Sound Design: Jan Hovers
Rotterdam, 2023.

A Practice,
Single Channel, 8 min. 17 sec,
Liza Lin & Esther Hovers

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com


︎Vostok Magazine 45호_시선에 관하여 / Number 45 About Looking
    Esther Hovers, published by 보스토크 프레스 / VOSTOK PRESS (KOR)

︎‘No. 11 Carnet du Bal - L'image à l'épreuve des machines. Reconfigurations du visible’
    Emmanuel Alloa, published by Les Presses du Réel, Paris (FR)

︎‘Data Streams: Art, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence’
    Fiona Hallinan, published by Camera Austria 157, 2022, Graz (AT)

︎‘Data Streams, Glucksman Gallery, Cork’
    Chris Hayes, published by Art Monthly Issue 454, London (UK)

︎‘Maschinenbuch - Eine Sammlung zur Kultur- und Kunstgeschichte der Apparate.’
    Gottfried Hattinger, published by Scheidegger & Spiess, Linz (AT)

︎‘Future of the Image: Why Disappearing Pictures?’
    Esther Hovers for Why Pictures?, Warsaw (PL)
︎‘New Photography : Create, Collect, Compile at NOMA’
    Bex Ya Yolk for BURNAWAY, Atlanta, Georgia (USA)
︎‘The Politics of Training Data’
    Ann-Christin Bertrand for Automated Photography, ECAL Lausanne,
    Switzerland (CH)

︎‘Beyond the Visible: The Hidden Structures of the Street’
    Sophie Wright for Lens Culture (NL)

︎‘False Positives’
    Sophie Wright for Open! Platform for Art, Culture & The Public Domain (NL)

︎‘Traveling Salesman’,
     Katherine Adams for Nowhere Collective (NL)

︎‘Elisa Gutiérrez Eriksen on The process of calculating one’s position at NARS Foundation’,
    By Etty Yaniv for Art Spiel (USA)

︎‘Calcular mi posición en Sunset Park’,
    Daniel G. Campos for Vice Versa Magazine (USA)

︎‘A Wide Spectrum of Ideas and Artist Studios in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park’,
    Alissa Guzman for Hyperallergic (USA)

︎'Gazing Back at the Surveillance Cameras That Watch Us',
    Jordan Teicher for The New York Time Blog 'Lens', (USA)
︎'Urban Algorithms', Portfolio Feature, Aesthetica, Issue 84 (UK)

︎'Esther Hovers Recreates Scenes Of Suspicious Behavior To Question Surveillance In Society',
    by Stephanie Wade, IGNANT Magazine (DE)

︎'False Positives' Brian Huang for The Big Issue Taiwan (TW)

︎'Un Monde Veilleur', by Clementine Mercier, Libération (FR)

︎‘Anomali önleyici olarak mimarlık’, Güray Oskay, Art Unlimited (TR)
︎Raw View Magazine, False Positives (FI)

︎‘Whose Future?’, Annette Hans, No. 24, BE Magazine (DE)

︎Corps du Pouvoir, Exhibition text for Centre d’Art Dominique Lang,
    Sofia Eliza Bouratsis (LU)
︎‘Sublime vs. Terror / Ruins Act2’, Vassilis Alymaras,
    STUDIO magazine #11_ Terrific (IT)

︎Invisible Culture Issue 25: Security and Visibility, Rochester University, NY (USA)

︎‘Revenu universel : une idée qui travaille la gauche’, Luc Peillon, Libération (FR)

︎‘Hoe je je wél aan goede voornemens kunt houden’,
    Bregje Hofstede, De Correspondent, (NL)

︎Esther Hovers : False Positives,
    Suzanne Tromp, This Works (Wetransfer Art Platform), (NL)

︎‘Présumés Suspects’, Juliette Briancard, M, (Le Monde Magazine), (FR)

︎‘Structures of Power - On the works of Esther Hovers’, Start Point Prize, (CZ)

︎‘Visions d’Europe’, Claire Guillot, Le M, (Le Monde Magazine), (FR)

︎‘Lightbox’, Cecilia Mussi, Pagina99 (IT)

︎‘Smarter Cities’, Regine Buschauer, POP Kultur und Kritik #7 (DE)

︎’Tendances - Flagrants Délits’, Luc Briand, Courrier International (FR)

︎‘False Positives’, Sophie Wright, Weird Science Issue,
    The British Journal of Photography (UK)

︎‘Photos show what crime looks like before it happens’,
    Ana Swanson, Washington Post (USA)

︎‘False Positives’, #09, Control, YET Magazine (CH)

︎‘Can You Spot the Suspicious Behavior In These Photographs?
    Laura Mallonee, Wired.com, (USA)

    Laura Mallonee, Wired.jp (JP)

︎‘De waakhond van de geheime diensten wil door kunnen bijten,
    maar heeft er de tanden niet voor’,
Maurits Martijn, De Correspondent (NL)

︎YET Archive book
, Edited by Salvatore Vitale (CH)

︎‘Bij je moeder op de bank anders zijn dan bij je vrienden in de kroeg.
    Dat is echte privacy.’
Maurits Martijn, De Correspondent (NL)

︎‘Rennen, opsplitsen, stil staan’, In Beeld, NRC Next (NL)

︎‘Met een verrekijker om de nek langs de talenten’ Parool (NL)
    Jan Pieter Ekker


︎’Perception Is Reality’
   by Franziska Nori, published by Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Mein (DE)

︎’Vue de dos - Images à contre-courant’,
    by Isabelle de Longrée, Le Delta, Namur (BE)

︎’Fotografie Heute - Resistant Faces’,
    by Jana Haeckel, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich (DE)

︎Artist E-Book Esther Hovers - Circulation(s), Tribew Publishers, Paris (FR)

︎‘False Positives’, Esther Hovers, Selfpublished, the Hague (NL)

︎Startpoint Prize 2015, catalogue (CZ)

Academic Texts

︎'Facing Surveillance -  Artistic and Curatorial Strategies in Times of Control’.
     PhD by Rosa Wevers, Utrecht University (NL)

︎'The Aesthetics of the Hidden.
    Visualization of Surveillance-Dispositives in Artistic Positions of Jill Magid, Esther Hovers and Trevor Paglen.'

     Master Thesis by Julia Latzel, University of Hildesheim (DE)

︎'Algorithmic Visuality and the Remaking of Urban Everyday Life',
    Essay by Sarah Al-Dahir, UvA, University of Amsterdam (NL)

︎'Algorithmic Visuality and the Remaking of Urban Everyday Life',
    PhD by Thomas Mayer-Lemieux, National Institute for Scientific Research (INRS), (CA)

︎'A Place Like All Others: Picturing Global Capital in Urban Space',
    Master Thesis by David Flood, Institute of Art, Design and Technology Dún Laoghaire (IE)

︎’Facing Surveillance: On Artistic Explorations of Biometric Technologies’,
    Master Thesis by Rosa Wevers, Utrecht University (NL)

Video / Audio

︎'Webinar Esther Hovers - Macht en Poëzie van Technologie,
     Interview Beeldvoorziening by Simone Henken (NL).
︎'An interview with Esther Hovers / Artist and Photographer‘,
     Interview by Josh Croll for Boxed Off (SCH).
︎'#6 - Tussen videokunst en surveillance camera',
     Kunstmatig de Podcast by Rosa Wevers / Veerle Spronck (NL).
︎'Podcast Mens met Esther Hovers’,
     Interview by Sander Pleij for Vrij Nederland (NL).
︎'Out Of Focus’,
     Documentary on art in times of Corona, directed by Maarten de Kroon (NL).

︎'Interview – In Times of Corona’,
     Interview met Naomi Moonlion for the exhibition ‘Capturing Corona’ at Stroom (NL).

︎'Anonym war Gestern: Für ein projekt der KulturRegion Stuttgart steht die Villa Merkel “Unter Beobachtung”,
     Interview for German Telivision, SWR2 (DE).

︎'Exposition – Le prix de notre liberté de pensée’,
     Centre d’Art GwinZegal for French Telivision, France 3 Bretagne (FR).

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2024 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

British Journal of Photography
Weird Science - Issue 7846
‘Esther Hovers’ - Portfolio Section
Text by Sophie Wright, April 2016

Standing still, fast movements, repeatedly looking back over your shoulders - these are three of eight ‘anomalies’ classified as deviant behaviour by surveillance cameras. Though normally used to recognise and prevent criminal activity, Esther Hovers, a recent graduate from the Royal Academy of Art in the Hague, explores these technologies to question what constitutes normal behaviour and examine our relationship with public security. Hovers’ graduation project False Positives (a term used to describe an unfounded alert based on visuals gathered by the surveillance camera), arose from her fascination with the relationship between people and public spaces. The idea came while doing an internship in Paris; she was struck by the rigid organisation and heavy surveillance presence in the business district, La Défense. “Everyone wears suits and has a strict dress code and way of moving. It wasn’t only the architecture, but also the way people seem to behave there,” she comments. Having researched surveillance systems, she approached several experts, interested in the combination of technology and psychology. During these interviews, she was told about the eight anomalies that formed the basis of her work.

The crux was devising a way to visualise a complex idea, usually discussed in dense PhD publications, without focusing too much on the cameras themselves. Hovers decided to shoot in the financial an political district of Brussels, not just because of its symbolic representation of Europe, but also because of its different perspectives. Appropriating the visual language of the surveillance camera and its elevated position, she started to look for examples of the eight anomalies from different viewpoints. After trying out several approaches using single images, Hovers decided to layer the photographs to create montages where several examples of the anomalies could be spotted.

The layering of photographs almost echoes the way the anomalies were created. Through a process dubbed ‘machine learning’, the surveillance system is fed a multitude of examples so it can develop a pattern of normal and deviant behaviour. “After a few minutes you can see a pattern, which is really important in the algorithm,” explains Hovers. By recording anomalies that she saw and sometimes asking people to step into position, the montages gather several examples of body language that is classed as deviant.
The project is drawn together in a publication made up of photographs, drawings and text. Keen to provide viewers with context, each anomaly is introduced with a simple drawing in black pen on graph paper, which Hovers says illustrates “how structured this way of thinking is”. The photographs invite viewers to question on what is or isn’t ‘normal’ behaviour.

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

M, Le Magazine du Monde
“Présumés Suspects"
Text by Juliette Briancard, September 2016

M, Le Magazine du Monde
Le Portfolio
“Présumés Suspects"

"La photographe Esther Hovers invite dans une série photos à réfléchir sur la video-surveillance 'intelligente'. Dans son viseur : les nouvelles caméras qui détectent les mouvements supposés dangereux pour la sécurité publique."

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

Lens –  The New York Times
Text by Jordan Teicher, August 2018
Gazing Back at the Surveillance
Cameras That Watch Us

Excerpt of the article:

If Mr. Hammerand’s work is a warning about a world in which anyone could be watching you, Esther Hovers’s serves as a warning about a world where no one is watching — at least, nobody human. As the number of security cameras grows, it isn’t feasible for people to keep watch on them at all times. Software picks up the slack.

In her series “False Positives,” Ms. Hovers visualizes the capabilities of security cameras in the future, which are programmed to automatically spot unusual movement patterns that may signal a criminal act.

“The systems I’m talking about still very much serve a supportive role,” she said. “For someone who has to watch like 40 or 50 different monitors at once, this intelligent camera can give a preference and say, ‘Please watch this screen.’ The future of it is for it to become more autonomous.”

Ms. Hovers read about such cameras in a newspaper article about Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, which was experimenting with the technology. While she couldn’t learn much about Schipol’s specific system, researchers explained the underlying technology’s principles. Ms. Hovers used that knowledge to create — with the help of strangers she enlisted in the spur of the moment — scenes on the streets of Brussels that demonstrate some of the so-called anomalies an algorithm would likely detect.

In some images, the anomaly is easy to spot: Two men sprinting through the middle of the sidewalk, a group of people moving in a coordinated way, a man standing alone in a crowd. In others, however, the anomaly is hard to pinpoint. One wonders, is it the guy running? Or could it be the man walking in the opposite direction from everyone else in the image?

I like to keep that a little bit vague because I actually want to encourage this judgment of what’s normal,” Ms. Hovers said. •

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

Centre d’art Dominique Lang
Commissaire d’exposition Danielle Igniti
“Corps Du Pouvoir”
Sofia Eliza Bouratsis, Mai 2017

À propos de l’exposition d’Esther Hovers
Structures of Power

Surveillance intelligente

Afin de prévenir le terrorisme et d’autres activités criminelles (comme le trafic humain et la pornographie infantile), afin aussi de détecter des situations dangereuses (comme par exemple les cambriolages), ou l’utilisation dans l’espace public d’objets dangereux (couteaux ou armes), l’Union Européenne a financé entre 2009 et 2013 un projet de recherche scientifique très controversé à travers plusieurs universités : « Indect » ou sinon, « Intelligent information system supporting observation, searching and detection for security of citizens in urban environment » 1. L’objectif du projet était de créer des outils capables « d’assurer la sécurité des citoyens ». Détecter donc de manière automatique les menaces criminelles potentielles, en identifier les sources et transmettre les informations aux autorités compétentes. Il existe en effet des systèmes qui repèrent automatiquement les « situations potentiellement menaçantes » et alertent leurs utilisateurs qui, en fonction des informations transmises, décident si une intervention est nécessaire ou pas. Le projet a évidemment fait polémique en raison de ses ingérences multiples dans la vie privée ; et les Anonymous ont organisé à cette occasion les campagnes #OpBigBrother (opération Big Brother) et #OpIndect qui ont pris différentes formes (protestations, manifestations, vidéos, etc.) dans plusieurs villes européennes.

Or cette recherche n’était pas si avant-gardiste que l’on pourrait le croire : elle se basait sur des procédures déjà utilisées par des services de police et des procureurs et elle est intervenue dans un contexte où la surveillance généralisée (intelligente ou pas) en milieu urbain était déjà une réalité – que ce soit à travers la géolocalisation des téléphones portables, la détection de « données biométriques », la surveillance des données et fichiers échangés sur Internet ou l’utilisation de caméras de surveillance. En effet, cela fait quelques années que lorsqu’un site est défini comme étant « sensible », des caméras de vidéo surveillance intelligente y sont installées. La vidéo surveillance intelligente procède donc à l’analyse des images en temps réel, des algorithmes sont spécifiquement créés afin que le système puisse immédiatement reconnaître tout comportement « anormal », « potentiellement dangereux » ou suspect. C’est précisément ce contexte technologique et sociopolitique que questionne Esther Hovers avec son projet False Positives. Elle le fait dans un perspective poétique qui consiste à observer la corporéité des usagers de l’espace public.

Recherche artistique sur la surveillance, devient surveillance à son tour

L’artiste se retrouve un jour dans le quartier d’affaires de La Défense à Paris – « site sensible ». Elle observe les flux des personnes comme ils se dessinent dans l’espace entre les bâtiments et les bouches du métro pendant les heures de pointe. Ces mouvements, qui se répètent presque à l’identique chaque jour ouvrable de la semaine, l’interpellent. Esther Hovers regarde ces déplacements qui se ressemblent, elle repère les trajets et examine les modes de circulation ou d’occupation de l’espace. En réalité, elle imite l’objet de ses recherches : elle surveille les flux des personnes, exactement comme les caméras de surveillance qui sont installées partout dans l’espace public des villes occidentales et qui enregistrent le quotidien. Elle décide alors de prendre ses photographies à partir d’emplacements qui, très judicieusement, simulent la perspective des caméras. Les photographies sont prises à Bruxelles, toujours depuis des points de vue qui pourraient être ceux des caméras de surveillance.

L’artiste, dont la méthode de travail ressemble à celle d’une enquêteuse, conduit parallèlement des entretiens avec ceux qui sont derrière ces dispositifs de « protection » ambiguë : les personnes qui les programment, qui les manient et qui les installent. Elle découvre alors un domaine d’étude technique des mouvements – et donc des langages – du corps : un algorithme serait en effet capable de détecter les huit anomalies du corps qui dénoteraient le danger potentiel. L’anomalie, une déviance par rapport à la norme, ne pouvant se définir qu’en fonction de cette dernière, un questionnement important surgit immédiatement dans le processus de recherche de l’artiste : savoir ce qui, parmi les mouvements potentiels du corps dans l’espace public est normal. Questionnement qui se prolonge par l’interrogation qui concerne l’impact d’un lieu spécifique sur la définition de la normalité. Car en effet, l’architecture, les usages suggérés par les plans d’urbanisme, les règles sociales, les manières de devoir être et les règles de savoir ou devoir être instaurées par toute cité influencent le comportement de ses habitants. Esther Hovers a donc dessiné les huit figures de la déviance et de la dite « anomalie » selon le modèle européen. À savoir : rester immobile, réaliser des mouvements rapides, prendre des directions déviantes, objets isolés, groupes se séparant, mouvements synchronisés, regards rapides en arrière.

L’on pourrait dire que les caméras de surveillance dans l’espace public s’insèrent et perturbent le dispositif des manières de voir tel que décrit par Jean-Paul Sartre qui distinguait deux types de regard : le regard que je porte sur autrui, « regard-regardant » et le regard qu’autrui porte sur moi « regard-regardé » 2. Aujourd’hui, un troisième œil, technique, programmé et qui ne se ferme jamais observe les regardants se regardant (ou pas) : le regard-regardant technologique constant et intrusif de la caméra de surveillance s’insère ainsi dans le dispositif des regards possibles dans l’espace public – et parfois même privé. Et si cet œil a un impact réel sur les fonctions contemporaines de l’espace public – parce qu’il limite considérablement ses usages possibles ; il a aussi un impact sur les mouvements possibles du corps étant donné que les mouvements définis comme étant suspects sont des mouvement tout à fait « normaux ».

La photographie chorégraphique

Entre espionnage et fascination, advient la surprise. La série de photographies qui constituent False Positives, tout comme les autres clichés de la photographe qui imitent les caméras de surveillance, alors qu’ils évoquent une thématique pour le moins inquiétante, revêtent une beauté inattendue. Car Esther Hovers prend la place de cet œil technologique et propose sa propre vision des mouvements quotidiens dans l’espace public. Et cette vision est poétique. Ses images donnent l’impression d’avoir étés mises en scène : comme s’ils étaient les instantanés d’une chorégraphie. L’on reconnaît l’impact du beau travail d’Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker dans l’œil de la photographe : lignes de fuite et équilibres mathématiques harmonieux, espace inoccupé donné à l’interprétation, blanc, et tensions. Lutte aussi, contre toute tentative de normalisation : le corps apparaît dans ces images comme ce qu’il y a de plus fluide – comme l’ultime et absolue résistance à toute tentative de normalisation. Les « dangereux suspects » de la vie quotidienne réclament ici, et sans le savoir, tout simplement, à travers leur langage corporel affectif et leur singularité le droit de vivre leur quotidien dans l’espace public. Car rester immobile c’est souvent attendre quelqu’un, s’endormir en attendant son train est quelque chose qui peut arriver, bouger rapidement c’est peut-être faire aussi un jogging, les mouvements synchronisés peuvent être ceux d’un adolescent, écouteurs dans les oreilles, qui danse au rythme de sa musique.

Ce que le travail d’Esther Hovers met en évidence c’est la corporéité dans la ville – le vécu sensible et incarné de la ville – qui constitue la modalité première des déplacements, des « dérives urbaines », des localisations préférentielles et des lieux de rencontres sous toutes leurs formes (sorties de métro, rues, places, passages, parcs…). Elle met en évidence le fait qu’il est essentiel de concevoir la ville sous l’angle de l’expérience corporelle (Richard Sennett 3), non seulement comme une continuité de mouvements et de sensations physiques dans l’espace urbain, mais aussi comme vécu incarné, sensible, affectif de l’urbain. D’où la nécessité d’examiner les rapports charnels, ressentis, perceptifs à l’architecture, à l’urbanisme et à la planification dans une perspective phénoménologique du corps dans la ville. La ville comme centralité, comme espace vivant et comme lieu de vie ne pourrait en effet exister sans le mouvement des passants, des habitants, des voyageurs, de tous ces corps en chair et en os qui vivent et font vivre cette ville – qui incarnent son existence et qui constituent la condition même de toute ville : sans êtres humains la ville devient une non-ville, un fantôme – comme les quartiers d’affaires pendant les jours fériés.

Le paradoxe central : un non-lieu à la fois inquiétant et … beau.

L’impact des nouvelles technologies sur les mouvements quotidiens et inconscients du corps est évident : ce sont tous ces nouveaux micro-gestes qui consistent en l’utilisation des téléphones intelligents, des tablettes tactiles et des autres appareils dont l’utilisation est aujourd’hui de l’ordre de la banalité. L’artiste Julien Prévieux, en donne un bel exemple avec son projet What Scould We Do Next ? 4 Il constitue en effet depuis une dizaine d’années une « archive des gestes à venir » – gestes anticipés et étudiés notamment par les compagnies qui fabriquent ces objets technologiques intelligents de la vie de tous les jours. À partir de cette archive, il crée des chorégraphies des incorporations prospectives des technologies 5.

L’on pourrait dans cette perspective considérer que le travail d’Esther Hovers constitue une archive photographique des gestes encore permis dans l’espace public. Car l’incorporation des règles et des usages admis de l’espace public est une dynamique qui inévitablement limite les possibilités – comme une chorégraphie qui instaure des règles. La surveillance généralisée associée à l’usage constant des téléphones intelligents (le regard constamment baissé vers le sol) et la marchandisation de toute parcelle qui n’est pas strictement vouée au transit, transforment en effet l’espace public contemporain en non-lieu. Il ne s’agit plus du non-lieu tel que Marc Augé 6 l’envisageait dans les années quatre-vingt-dix quand il évoquait les aéroports, les autoroutes, les centres commerciaux et autres étendues géantes pour leur anonymat alors croissant. Il est aujourd’hui question d’un espace public qui est sans marges, qui ne permet pas de dévier de son chemin, de danser à l’écoute heureuse d’une chanson, de s’endormir sur un banc au soleil. Or, un espace public au sein duquel tout usage non-utile est considéré comme une déviance, un écart, un danger potentiel, devient immédiatement un non-lieu ou, plus précisément, un lieu de non-vie. La singularité et tout le paradoxe de ce travail résident dans la capacité de l’artiste à rendre un résultat de son regard – pourtant critique – qui a la beauté d’un geste dansé par la fameuse compagnie « Rosas » – aérien, libre, inspirant, à la fois suspendu hors temps et ancré dans le vécu. Elle nous donne à voir ses séries d’instantanés et de figures du corps dans la ville que l’on voudrait continuer à regarder, scruter, observer, examiner… mais pas surveiller.

Cartographier l’impouvoir

C’est en raison de ses vertus de résistance aux conditions difficiles que le lin était utilisé pour la fabrication des cartes militaires. Avec Structures of Power, le regard de l’artiste se déplace : de l’imitation du langage visuel des dispositifs de contrôle du corps, il devient ici structure et matière qui dévoile ce qu’elle veut représenter. Ce projet est le fruit d’un questionnement sur le pouvoir de l’Europe. Utilisant un langage évoquant la guerre : imitation des cartes militaires, évocation des frontières territoriales et de la « forteresse » poreuse et impotente qu’est devenue la belle Europe, l’artiste questionne ses fondements. À la place du territoire on y voit des symboles : Erasme, puis un globe – rappel que l’Europe se trouve encore sur une planète avec d’autres pays – ; et pour finir : une manifestation à la sortie d’un métropolitain bruxellois. Adopter le point de vue du pouvoir, pour montrer ses failles : les contre-pouvoirs. Esther Hovers suggèrerait-elle, subtilement, les possibilités de résister – ou pas – aux pressions du temps et de l’espace, du contrôle du corps et de la surveillance du territoire ?

Sofia Eliza Bouratsis

1 Un autre programme fincancé par l’UE, similaire car mettant également en œuvre une surveillance basée sur le comportement était le « SAMURAI » nom qui correspond à « Suspicious and Abnormal behaviour Monitoring Using a netwoRk of cAmeras and sensors for sItuation awareness enhancement ».
2 Jean-Paul Sartre, L’Être et le Néant, Paris, Gallimard, 1943.
3 Richard Sennett, La Chair et la pierre. Le corps et la ville dans la civilisation occidentale, Paris, Les Éditions de la Passion, 2001.
4 Voir notamment Julien Prévieux, What Shall We Do Next? (Sequence #1)
et What Shall We Do Next? (Sequence #2)
5 Lire à ce sujet Catherine Duchesneau et Magali Uhl, (article soumis/à paraître en 2017) : « Gestes “de l’air” et autres mouvements du corps à venir. La fiction prospective et l’incorporation des technologies chez Julien Prévieux ». Inter – Art actuel, no 127, « Technocorps et cybermilieux ».
6 Marc Augé, Non-lieux. Introduction à une anthropologie de la surmodernité, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1992.

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

Installation Views
Selected Exhibitions

False Positives,
Resistant Faces, Group Exhibition, 2021,
Mixed media, dimensions variable,

Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich (DE).

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

Installation Views
Selected Exhibitions

Festival Images Vevey, Chateau de l’Aile,
Mixed media, dimensions variable,

Chateau de l’Aile, Vevey (CH).

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2022 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

Installation Views
Selected Exhibitions

The Right to be Forgotten
The Glucksman Museum, Cork, Ireland, 2021-22,
Curated by Chris Clarke and Anaïs Nony,
mixed media, dimensions variable.

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

Installation Views
Selected Exhibitions

False Positives, 2017, Foam,
Photography Museum of Amsterdam,
mixed media, dimensions variable.

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

Installation Views
Selected Exhibitions

Structures (2016 – 2019),
Mixed Media, Sizes Variable,
At Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

In her artistic practice, visual artist Esther Hovers investigates how power, politics and control are exercised through urban planning and the use of public space. She was trained as a photographer but creates installations in which photographs, drawings, text and film play an equal part.

Esther Hovers has exhibited at Aperture Foundation in New York City; Lianzhou Photo Festival in China; and Foam Photography Museum of Amsterdam, et al. Her work has been published in The New York Times; The Washington Post; M – Le Magazine du Monde and Wired, among other publications.

In 2017 she was the winner of the Edward Steichen Award. In 2019 Hovers was an artist-in-residence at NARS Foundation (The New York Art Residency and Studios) in Brooklyn, New York.
She is based in the Hague, the Netherlands.

Several works on this website are generously supported by the Mondriaan Fund, 
the public fund for visual art and cultural heritage in the Netherlands.

Selected Exhibitions


Walk this Way
Kunstmuseum Ravensburg (DE)
09/11/2024 - 23/02/2025

Are You Sure You Want to Delete It?
Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster, Aachen (DE)
27/04/2024 - 01/08/2024

Biennale Della Fotografia Femminile
Montova (IT)
08/03/2024 - 14/04/2024


A Well-trained Eye
Visual Arts Center, University of Texas at Austin, (USA)
22/09/2023 - 02/03/2024

Harry Penningsprijs
Pennings Foundation, Eindhoven (NL)
06/05/2023 - 24/05/2023

The Right to be Forgotten (Solo)
Galerie BOHAI, Hannover (DE)
05/05/2023 – 28/05/2023


Als Wäre Alles Für Immer
Kühlhaus Berlin (DE)
15/09/2022 - 01/10/2022

Festival Images Vevey
Château de l’Aile, Vevey (CH)
03/09/2022 - 25/09/2022

Data Streams
The Glucksman Art Museum, Cork (IE)
02/12/2021 - 13/03/2022


Open Studios Nieuwmarkt
Amsterdam House of A&C (NL)
9 & 10/10/2021

Algorithmic Bias
[Senne], Brussels (BE)
30/09/2021 - 10/10/2021

ING: Resilience, A Personal Story
Kunsthal, Rotterdam (NL)
27/05/2021 -  19/09/2021

Track & Trace
Textile Museum, Kortrijk / Courtrai (BE)
13/03/2021 - 25/04/2021

Resistant Faces
Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich (DE)
27/11/2020 - 11/04/2021


New Photography (Extended)
New Orleans Museum of Art (USA)
06/11/2020 -  06/06/2021

Mind Your Step
Zone2Source, Amstelpark Amsterdam (NL)
04/10/2020 -  29/11/2020

Public Space in times of Covid
Stroom, Den Haag (NL)
03/10/2020 -  01/11/2020

Vu.e de dos
Delta - Namur Art Center (BE)
23/09/2020 - 03/01/2021

Under Observation – Art of Retreat
Villa Merkel, Esslingen am Neckar (DE)
20/09/2020 - 15/11/2020

Nieuwe Ruimte(s)
Orange Art House, Brussels (BE)
03/09/2020 - 31/12/2020

Kutxa Kultur X Getxophoto
Tabakalera, San Sebastian (ES)
03/09/2020 - 27/09/2020

Getxo, Basque Country (ES)
03/09/2020 - 27/09/2020


Contrôle + Z
Centre d’Art GwinZegal (FR)
23/11/2019 - 23/02/2020

Lishui Photography Festival
Municipal Museum Lishui (CHN)
08/11/2019 - 12/11/2019

The Process Of Calculating One’s Position
NARS Foundation, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
15/11/2019 - 13/12/2019

Fotomuseum Winterthur (CH)
18/10/2019 - 23/02/2020

Behind the Seen
NARS Foundation, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
30/08/2019 - 20/09/2019

Delirious Cities
Aperture Foundation, New York, NY (USA)
25/07/2019 - 29/08/2019

CONTACT Festival
Harbourfront Centre, Toronto (CA)
01/05/2019 - 31/05/2019

Journées Photographiques de Bienne
Bienne (CH)
10/05/2019 - 02/06/2019

YAA Zachtzinnig Radicaal
Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (NL)
26/04/2019 - 26/05/2019

Prospects & Concepts
Mondriaan Fonds, Art Rotterdam (NL)
07/02/2019 - 10/02/2019


Who’s In Control?
Fotodok, Utrecht (NL)
23/11/2018 - 24/02/2019

Lianzhou Foto
Foto Festival Lianzhou (CHN)
01/12/2018 - 03/01/2019

AE Festival
Postcity Linz (AT)
06/09 - 10/09/2018

Auckland Festival of Photography
At Fort Silo, Auckland (NZ)
31/05/2018 - 22/06/2018

Heidelberger Kunstverein
Heidelberg (DE)
05/05 - 08/07/2018

Krakow Photo Month  
Bunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art (PL)
25/05 - 24/06/2018

BASE Milano,
Milan Digital Week, (IT)
15/03/2018 - 18/03/2018

I Am Here to Learn
Frankfurter Kunstverein (DE)
15/02/2018 - 08/04/2018


Foam Fusion
Foam, Photography Museum
Amsterdam (NL)
09/06/2017 - 11/06/2017

EMOP - Solo Show
Centre d'art Dominique Lang
Dudelange (LU)
06/05/2017 - 09/06/2017
Download exhibition text (FR)

Diffusion International Photography Festival
Unit 15
Cardiff Bay (UK)
01/05/2017 - 31/05/2017

Watched ! Surveillance Art & Photography
C/O Berlin Foundation (DE)
17/02/2017 - 23/04/2017

Perfect Storm
NRW-Forum Düsseldorf (DE)
02/02/2017 - 12/03/2017

Glut: Images, information and excess
Holden Gallery, Manchester (UK)
16/01/2017 - 03/03/2017

New Photography II
ALAN Gallery, Istanbul (TR)
05/01/2017 - 05/02/2017


Installation by Alberto Sinigaglia & Esther Hovers
Curated by Luca Massaro
LDS Gallery, Reggio Emilia (IT)
October 2016

Novo Mesto (SI)
08/01/2016 - 08/06/2016

Le Voyage à Nantes 2016
Cale2, Nantes (FR)
01/07/2016 - 28/08/2016

RESET at Salone del Mobile
Milan (IT)
12/04/2016 - 17/04/2016

Circulation(s) 2016
Centquatre-Paris, Paris (FR)
26/03/2016 - 26/06/2016

Launch Exhibition E-Book
Tribew Publishing House, Paris (FR)
25/03/2016 - 08/04/2016

Stroom, The Hague (NL)
03/17/2016 - 05/02/2016

Startpoint Selection
Arti et Amicitiae , Amsterdam (NL)
06/02/2016 - 13/03/2016

Now or Never
GEM, The Hague (NL)
31/10/2015 - 17/01/2016


Unseen Photo Fair, Amsterdam (NL)
Represented by Galerie Ron Mandos @ Kunsthal Citroën,
18/09/2015 - 26/10/2015

Startpoint Prize Exhibition
National Gallery, Prague (CZ)
29/09/2015 - 01/11/2015

Steenbergen Stipendium
Dutch Photo Museum, Rotterdam (NL)
26/09/2015 - 01/11/2015

Shared Space,
Punt WG, Amsterdam (NL)
19/09/2015 - 11/10/2015

Best of Graduates
Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam (NL)
08/08/2015 - 29/08/2015
Selected Press & Publications

Monography: False Positives
Published by Fw:Books

InVisible Culture, Rochester University NY
The New York Times (USA)
BE Magazine (DE)
Libération (FR)
Raw View (FI)
M, Le Magazine du Monde (FR)
The Washington Post (USA)
Pagina99 (IT)
Lens Culture
POP Kultur und Kritik (DE)
Wired.com (USA)
British Journal of Photography (UK)
YET Magazine (CH)
Courrier International (FR)
DazedDigital (USA)
De Correspondent (NL)
NRC Next (NL)

Awards & Residencies


Nominee, Kunststiftung DZ Bank Scholarship (DE)

Nominee, Harry Penningsprijs (NL)

Mondriaan Fund, Art Grant (NL)


Nominee, Gabriele Basilico Prize in Architecture and Landscape Photography (IT)


Nominee, ING Photography Award (NL)

Shortlisted, Grand Prix Images Vevey (CH)


Nominee, FOAM Paul Huf Award (NL)

Nominee, Gabriele Basilico Prize in Architecture and Landscape Photography (IT)


Artist-in-Residence at NARS Foundation, Brooklyn, NY (USA)

Nominee, FOAM Paul Huf Award (NL)

Mondriaan Fund, Art Grant (NL)


Nominee, Paris Photo - Aperture Foundation, First Photo Book Award (USA/FR)

Artist-in-Residence at ISCP Brooklyn, New York (USA)

Nominee, FOAM Paul Huf Award (NL)


Winner, Edward Steichen Award 2017 (LU)

Stroom, Den Haag, Artistic Grant (NL)

Mondriaan Fund, Artist Grant (NL)


Artist-in-Residence at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (DE)

Young Art Fund Amsterdam (NL)


Winner, Startpoint Prize, National Gallery, Prague (CZ)

Winner, Steenbergen Stipend, Dutch Photo Museum, Rotterdam (NL)

Winner, Le Prix Tribew, Circulation(s), Tribew Publishing, Paris (FR)

Winner, Best of Graduates Photo Talent 2015, Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam (NL)

'False Positives' - Shortlisted Unseen Dummy Award, Unseen (NL)

Winner, Photography Department Award, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (NL)

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

June 2024 - VOSTOK PRESS / 보스토크 프레스

Image credit: Vostok Press 

My work False Positives is in good company in this months issue of Vostok Magazine 45호_시선에 관하여 / Number 45 About Looking.
Very pleased that this body of work continues to travel the globe. It feels surreal to see my work in another language and writing system.
보스토크 프레스 / VOSTOK PRESS
45호_시선에 관하여 / Nº45 About Looking


March 2024 - ‘Windows’ Framed

Image credit: Esther Hovers 

I recently sold a piece of my ‘Windows’ series. The original works were exhibited unframed, but for this acquisition I came up with a suggestion for a walnut floater frame coated with black ink. All 63 prints were glued one by one with a special acid free ink.
If you are also interested in more information on the works I am currently selling, contact me directly by sending an e-mail.

︎    info[at]estherhovers.com

March 2024 - Fotobuchdesigns der KABK

Image credit: Fotohof Salzburg 

My former teacher Vincent van Baar has an exhibition titled ‘Fotobuchdesigns der KABK, Den Haag’ at Fotohof in Salzburg. The show brings together books that he helped into being. My book False Positives is on display as well as an early version dummy which Vincent helped me design back in 2015.
‘Fotobuchdesigns der KABK, Den Haag’
19/03 - 16/05/2024

Fotohof Salzburg.

February 2024 - Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster

Image credit: Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster 

My work ‘The Right to be Forgotten’ will be part of a group show at the Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster in Aachen. For this exhibition I am adding a new work to the series. The works will be on display starting 27 April until September 1st. Come join me for the opening on April 27.
‘Are you sure you want to delete this? künstlerische arbeit mit fotoarchiven’

Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster

January 2024 - Biennale Della Fotografia Femminile

Image credit: Biennale Della Fotografia Femminile 

My work False Positives continues to travel and will be on show as part of the Biennale Della Fotografia Femminile in Montova. It will be on show from March 8 through April 14.

Biennale Della Fotografia Femminile


August 2023 - VAC University of Texas at Austin

Image credit: Logo Visual Arts Center 

My work False Positives continues to travel and will be on show as part of the exhibition ‘A Well-trained Eye’ at the Visual Art Center, University of Texas at Austin. Little did I know upon creating this series years ago that the topic would only grow in significance. Many thanks to Maria Emilia Fernandez for including my work in the show. The work is up from September 22nd through the 2nd of March, 2024.

Visual Arts Center
2300 Trinity St
Austin, TX 78712


May 2023 - Artist Talk at Galerie BOHAI

Image credit: Photographer unknown

This weekend (28.05) I will be heading back to Hannover to give an artist talk at my exhibition ‘The Right to be Forgotten’ @galeriebohai – maybe far for most but come through if you can. 
Artist Talk
Sunday 28.05 at 16:00
Galerie Bohai, Hannover

April 2023 - Kunststiftung DZ Bank Scholarship

Image credit: © 2023 Kunststiftung DZ BANK

I am very excited to have been nominated for the DZ BANK Kunststiftung Scholarship. This is a grant to further the work of artist working within the photographic field. The scholarship is granted every two years and meant for the development of new artworks.
DZ Bank Kunststiftung


April 2023 - Harry Penningsprijs

Image credit: © 2023 Pennings Foundation

I am pleased for my work to have been nominated for the Harry Penningsprijs – A photography award in the Netherlands. I have been selected amongst a group of nine artists. All of our works will be featured in a group show opening this May.
Harry Penningsprijs Exhibition
06/05 - 24/06/2023

Pennings Foundation
Geldropseweg 63, Eindhoven NL www.penningsfoundation.com

March 2023 - Mondriaan Fund Grant

Image credit: © 2023 Mondriaan Fund

I am very happy to announce that I will be receiving a grant from the Mondriaan Fund, the public fund for visual art and cultural heritage in the Netherlands. This grant is specifically intended to work on a new project.
On this project I will be collaborating with a fellow visual artist and friend Raphaël Dallaporta. As I develop this new work, more information will follow in the coming months.

February 2023 - Solo Show Galerie BOHAI

Image credit: © 2023 Galerie BOHAI, Hannover

I am in the midst of preparing for a solo exhibition at Galerie BOHAI in Hannover. For this show I am creating a combination of existing and lots of new work. The exhibition will open on May 5th and run until May 28th 2023. With the date of an artist talk still to be anounced. Stay Tuned!

Galerie BOHAI
Schwarzer Bär 6
30449 Hannover, Germany


August 2022 - Kühlhaus Berlin

Image credit: © 2022 Kühlhaus Berlin

False Positives will be on view at the @kuehlhausberlinofficial in Berlin as part of the group show AS IF EVERYTHING IS FOREVER / ALS WÄRE ALLES FÜR IMMER. The show runs from September 15 until October 1st and is a curation by @harald_f._theiss from works of the collection of the @art_us_collectors_collective - A special shout out to Gudrun and Jochen who are at the heart of this collective. They have been the first to ever collect my work and I am grateful for their continued support.


Opening on Thursday,
September 15 from 18:00 - 21:00.
Kühlhaus, Luckenwalder Straße 3, 10963 Berlin

June 2022 - Festival Images Vevey

Image credit: © 2022 Festival Images Vevey

I am very excited to be showing my work ‘Windows’ at this year’s Festival Images Vevey in Switzerland. For this installation at Château de l’Aile, I am working on a solo show, presenting an extended version of the work I first showed at Stroom in 2020. 

Festival Images Vevey
Château de l’Aile Vevey (CH)
03/09/2022 - 25/09/2022


March 2022 - Natural Dyes Installation

Image credit: © 2022 Esther Hovers

This past week I have been teaching a workshop on natural dyes, and different ways of printmaking, such as cyanotype and anthotypes. This collaborative workshop along side the wonderful Zindzi Zwietering turned into an installation of the natural dyes, created by our students and ourselves, over the course of a week. View the installation in the exhibition section of my website. 

‘Natural Dyes Installation’

A Co-production with Zindzi Zwietering.
Dyes derived from various plant material, Sizes Variable, At Leo Kanner College, The Netherlands, 2022.
If you are interested to know more about these and other techniques, feel free to contact me directly.

November 2021 - Essay on ‘Why Pictures?’

Image credit: © 2021 Esther Hovers

I wrote a text for ‘Why Pictures?’ Find it here to see the published result. It is a personal take on the future of the image. I reflect on my latest work on The Right To Be Forgotten. Thank you Krzysztof Pijarski for the invitation.


‘Future of the Image: Why Disappearing Pictures?’
by Esther Hovers

November 2021 - Data Streams Exhibition

Image credit: © 2018 Clemens von Wedemeyer

I am working to finish new frames for an upcoming show at @theglucksman in Ireland. I will be showing both older and new work. Aiming to expand my new work on ‘The Right To Be Forgotten’. The show ‘Data Streams’ is to open in December.

Data Streams
at The Glucksman - Art Museum

The Glucksman
University College Cork
Ireland T12 V1WH

October 2021 - Le Bal Screening

Image credit: © 2021 Le Bal

Happy for my work to be part of a screening at my favourite photography museum in Paris @le_bal – The seminar title translates to “THE IMAGE AT THE TEST OF MACHINES - RECONFIGURATIONS OF THE VISIBLE”. Wish I could join the program in person. For those in Paris – you can. The program is free and you can sign up through the website of Le Bal.

6, Impasse de la Défense
75018 Paris


September 2021 - Exhibition A&C House Amsterdam

Image credit: © 2021 YAA

I will be showing a new installation at Amsterdam House of Arts & Crafts during the Amsterdam Open Studio Weekend. 
This event takes place during the weekend of October 9/10 . Come say hi at the House of A&C or find my work at the old synagoge, Uilenburgersjoel.
October 9 & 10: 12pm - 6pm
Amsterdam House Of A&C
Oude Schans 21, Amsterdam

Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 91, Amsterdam

September 2021 - Fotastisch Presentatie

Image credit: © 2021 Beeldvoorziening

On September 19th I will be giving a presentation about my work at Beeldvoorziening. The day will be packed with portfolio reviews, workshops and artist talks. I will be presenting a 2:15PM, 1 ticket left available : here.

Newtonstraat 3
3401 JA  IJsselstein

July 2021 - Work Overview

Image credit: © 2021 Esther Hovers

Check out this video, created for Beeldvoorziening. It is an overview of most of the work I have created so far. 
Beeldvoorziening Video
Works 2015 – Now

July 2021 - Masterclass Series

Image credit: © 2021 Esther Hovers

In October I will be teaching a series of Masterclasses at ‘Beeldvoorziening’ in IJsselstein. The masterclass series will focus on conceptual photography – everything from defining themes in your work, conceptualisation, to exhibiting your work. If you are interested contact Beeldvoorziening for more information.
Studio IJsselstein
Newtonstraat 3,
IJsselstein, NL.

Find more information here

June 2021 - Panel Discussion Belfast

Image credit: © 2021 Belfast Photo Festival

On July 25th, 7PM CEST I will be joining Adam Broomberg and Alfonso de Gregorio in a discussion on art and the surveillance state. The conversation will be moderated by Anna Cafolla (editor at Dazed).
Futures – Surveillance State
RSVP through Belfast Photo Festival

May 2021 - Exhibition Kunsthal

Image credit: © 2021 Marco de Swart

June 5th marks the end of lockdown in the Netherlands. Therefore, this is also the opening date for our exhibition ‘Resilience, A Personal Story’, at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam (NL).
Resilience, A Personal Story
Kunsthal Rotterdam
05/27/2021 -  19/09/2021
Curated by: Shehera Grot

March 2021 - Nomination ING Award

Image credit: © 2021 ING

My work is nominated for the ING Photography Award. This nomination includes the opportunity to create new work through a series of coaching sessions by Alec Soth. My new work will be exhibited in a group show, together with my fellow nominees at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam, this May.
ING Award 2021

Kunsthal Rotterdam
05/27/2021 -  19/09/2021

March 2021 - Interview with Josh Croll

Image credit: © 2021 Josh Croll

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Josh Croll. We discuss public space, surveillance, freedom of movement and other topics related to my projects. Find our zoom conversation here.
Boxed Off
Interview by Josh Croll


February 2021 - Track & Trace Festival

Image credit: © 2020 Track and Trace, Kortrijk

I am preparing my linen works ‘Structures’ for a show at the Textile Museum; ‘Texture Museum’ in Belgium. (If art spaces can open again and all goes as planned) they will be on show during the Track & Trace Festival @trackandtracekortrijk in Kortrijk / Courtrai in spring.
Track & Trace
Photo Festival, Kortrijk / Courtrai (BE)
13/03/2021 - 25/04/2021

January 2021 - Podcast MENS

Image credit: © 2021 Vrij Nederland

This week I was a guest on @vrij_nederland Podcast MENS with Sander Pleij. The interview (in Dutch) is part of his conversations with scientists, artists and thinkers about innovation. MENS: How are we changing and where do we want to go?
Our conversation starts with my work False Positives, but then turns into a discussion on, well… all of the projects I have ever done. Hope you enjoy!

Find it here

October 2020 - Stroom Exhibition Extended

Image credit: © 2020 Esther Hovers

I am happy to report that our exhibition Capturing Corona will be extended until November 15th. What better distraction from corona than art about corona?

Stroom Den Haag
Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
Open Wed-Sunday, 12-17h00.

September 2020 - New work at Zone2Source

Image credit: © 2020 Esther Hovers

October 4 will be the opening of Mind Your Step at Zone2Source in the Amstel Park in Amsterdam. I created a completely new audio project for this group exhibition.
Audio Dérives at Zone2Source
Opening October 4, 3PM.
Amstelpark Amsterdam

September 2020 - New work at Stroom

Image credit: © 2020 Esther Hovers

Myself and four other photographers have been commissioned the creation of a project by Stroom Den Haag. On October 3, we will be opening the exhibition showcasing the results.
Public Space in times of Covid
Stroom, Den Haag (NL)
03/10/2020 -  01/11/2020
Hogewal 1–9, Den Haag.

September 2020 - Traveling Salesman Brussels

Image credit: © 2020 Esther Hovers

Traveling Salesman is currently on view at the Orange Art House in Brussels, until the end of the year. 
The show is curated by Radek Vana. 
And feautures the work of three other artists.
Nieuwe Ruimte(s)
Orange Art House, Brussels (BE)
03/09/2020 - 31/12/2020

Aarlenstraat 20, Brussels.

August 2020 - False Positives Tour

Image credit: © 2020 Esther Hovers

False Positives is still traveling quite a bit, go see it in one of the following exhibitions:

New Orleans Museum of Art (USA), 06/11/2020 -  07/03/2021 or Delta - Namur Art Center (BE)
23/09/2020 - 03/01/2021 or 
Villa Merkel, Esslingen am Neckar (DE)
20/09/2020 - 15/11/2020 or Tabakalera, San Sebastian (ES)
03/09/2020 - 27/09/2020 or in Getxo, Basque Country (ES)
03/09/2020 - 27/09/2020. 

May 2020 - Stroom Commission

Image credit: © 2020 Stroom Den Haag

Myself and four other photographers have been commissioned the creation of a project by Stroom Den Haag. The coming weeks I will be working on a series that reflects public space at the time of this pandemic. More information to follow. 
I will be working alongside Johan Nieuwenhuize, Christian van der Kooy, Nadine Stijns en Miguel Peres dos Santos. The work will be part of the collection of the City Archive of the Hague as well as the Hague Historical Museum.

April 2020 - Zone2Source

Image credit: © 2020 Zone2Source

I have been working on a new project for the ‘Mind Your Step’ exhibition at Zone2Source, Amstelpark Amsterdam. The project was supposed to be launched this June. Due to COVID-19 it has been rescheduled to October 4th, 2020. Stay tuned!

April 2020 - NOMA

Image credit: © 2020 NOMA

The exhibition ‘New Photography’ at the New Orleans Museum of Art was supposed to open on April 17, 2020. Due to COVID-19 the exhibition will be postponed. New opening times will be given at later date.

February 2020 - Works for Dutch Tax Administration

Image credit: © 2020 Esther Hovers

I sold four works to the Dutch Tax Administration. I am very pleased with the sale and hope to get a chance to see them installed in the office building here in The Hague.

February 2020 - Artist Talk Paris

Image credit: © 2020 Paris College of Art

On February 14, I will be giving a talk about my work at the Paris College of Art. Thank you to Klaus Fruchtnis for the invitation.
Artist Talk – Paris College of Art 
15 Rue Fénelon, 75010 Paris
February 14, 13h00 - 14h00.

January 2020 - Basilico Prize 2020

Image credit: © 2020 Gabriele Basilico Prize

My work has been nominated for the Gabriele Basilico Prize 2020, for architecture and landscape photography. 
Gabriele Basilico Prize
More information

January 2020 - Foam Paul Huf Award 2020

Image credit: © 2020 Foam

My work has been nominated for the Foam Paul Huf Award 2020. The winner will be announced in March.
Foam Paul Huf Award
More information

November 2019 - NARS Exhibition

Image credit: © 2019 Esther Hovers

My work Traveling Salesman is part of the exhibition The Process of Calculating One’s Position at NARS Foundation in Brooklyn, NY. This group show brings together the works of all the season III residency artists and is up through December 13.
NARS Foundation Season IV
201 46th Street, 4th fl.
Brooklyn, NY 11220

Opening Reception:
Friday Nov 15, from 6-8pm.

November 2019 - Contrôle + Z at GwinZegal

Image credit: © 2019 GwinZegal

My work will be part of the exhibition Contrôle + Z at GwinZegal (FR). This group show brings together the works of Broomberg & Chanarin, Daniel Mayrit, John Miller, Thomas Ruff, Jules Spinatsch, Hasan Elahi, Jeff Guess, Mishka Henner, Michaël Wolf, Julien Prévieux and Esther Hovers.
Contrôle + Z
Centre d’Art GwinZegal (FR)
23/11/2019 - 23/02/2020

Opening Reception:
Friday, November 22, 6:30pm. www.gwinzegal.com

October 2019 - Nowhere Collective

Image credit: © 2019 Nowhere Collective

My latest work ‘Traveling Salesman’ is featured in the Nowhere Collective Zine.
With a beautiful text by Katherine Adams.
Nowhere Collective Zine
#4 The Map Is Not the Territory
Download a Copy

November 2019 - Lishui Photography Festival

Image credit: © 2019 Lishui Photography Festival

My work will be traveling to China for the Lishui Photography Festival. I am excited to be a part of this exhibition curated by Vanessa Kowalski. 
Lishui Photography Festival
Municipal Museum Lishui
08/11/2019 - 12/11/2019

October 2019 - SITUATIONS/Deviation

Image credit: © 2019 Fotomuseum Winterthur

My work will be part of the exhibition SITUATIONS/Devation at Fotomuseum Winterthur in Switzerland. SITUATIONS examines the mechanisms of socio-cultural normalisation and deviation in the age of digital surveillance systems, algorithmic classification tools and preemptive technologies.
Opening and aperitif on Friday, October 18th, from 6pm

Fotomuseum Winterthur
Grüzenstrasse 44 + 45
CH-8400 Winterthur


October 2019 - Fall Open Studios

Image credit: © 2018 Esther Hovers

I am preparing for an open studio at NARS Foundation. This is a great opportunity for me to show my work in a different way from an exhibition. Come through if you are in New York.
NARS Foundation 
201 46th St, 4th floor
Brooklyn, NY.

Open Studios:
Friday, October 18, 6 - 9 pm
Saturday, October 19, 12 - 5 pm

August 2019 - Art´Us Collectors´Collective

Image credit: © 2018 Esther Hovers

False Positives will be part of the exhibition realityCHECK at Museum Kunstraum Potsdam (DE). This group show brings together the works belonging to the collection of Gudrun and Jochen Ruetz, who acquired my works a few years ago.
Art´Us Collectors´Collective e.V.

Opening Reception:
Friday, August 30th, 7pm.

August 2019 - NARS Exhibition

Image credit: © 2019 NARS Foundation Logo

During the upcoming NARS' 2019 Season III Exhibition I will be showing my current work in progress. This group show featuring all the season III residency artists will take place from Aug 30 - Sept 20 in the Main Gallery.
NARS Foundation Season III
201 46th Street, 4th fl.
Brooklyn, NY 11220

Opening Reception:
Friday Sept 6, from 6-8pm.

July 2019 - NARS Foundation

Image credit: © 2019 Esther Hovers

I recently started as an artist-in-residence at NARS Foundation in Brooklyn, NY. I will be here until the end of the year to make new work. Feel free to contact me for a visit.
NARS Foundation
201 46th Street, 4th fl.
Brooklyn, NY 11220

June 2019 - Aperture Foundation

Image credit: © 2019 Aperture Foundation Logo

I am very pleased to find out that False Positives has been selected for the DELIRIOUS CITIES exhibition at Aperture Gallery in New York this summer.
Delirious Cities – Aperture Gallery
547 West 27th Street, 4th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10001
July 25 – August 29, 2019

June 2019 - Mondriaan Support

Image credit: © 2019 Mondriaan Fund Logo

More exciting news! The Mondriaan Fund will also be supporting my residency at NARS in Brooklyn New York. I’m feeling very grateful for all of their help.

June 2019 - Stroom Den Haag

Image credit: © 2019 Logo Stroom Den Haag

I am very grateful to be receiving a PRO Research Grant from Stroom Den Haag in support of my upcoming residency at NARS in Brooklyn New York.

May 2019 - Book Signing & Talk

Image credit: © 2019 Esther Hovers

Book Signing at CONTACT Photobook Fair.
May 5 at 1PM – Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto.

Artist talk and round table discussion.
May 6 at 6:30PM – AGO : Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto.

Discussion with Parker Kay and Melanie Wilmink.
May 7 at 6PM – Scrap Metal Gallery, Toronto.

May 2019 - Exhibition CONTACT Festival

Image credit: © 2019 CONTACT Festival Canada

My work will be exhibited during the CONTACT Festival, spanning the whole month of May in Toronto.
My first artist book ‘False Positives’ will also be on display at the Paris Photo/Aperture Foundation Photobook Award exhibition.
CONTACT Festival
Harbourfront Centre, Toronto (CA)
Opening May 1st.


April 2019 - Exhibition CONTACT Festival

Image credit: © 2019 Arti et Amicitiae

I will be showing new work in a group show at Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam. This exhibition celebrates the 7 year anniversary of Young Art Fund Amsterdam and is curated by Edith Rijnja.
Zachtzinnig Radicaal at Arti et Amicitiae
Opening April 26 – 8PM.
Rokin 112, Amsterdam, NL.

March 2019 - Lens Culture

Image credit: © 2015 Esther Hovers

Got a nice article on Lens Culture this week. Written by one of my favourite writers on photography, Sophie Wright. In 2017 she wrote the text for my book False Positives, now we meet again to discuss the influence of the street on my work.
Lens Culture is launching a street guide that also features my work, some old and new things. More info soon.
Beyond the Visible: The Hidden Structures of the Street, by Sophie Wright, March 2019.

February 2019 - Fotodok TAFERELEN

Image credit: © 2019 Fotodok

This Thursday (21/02) I will be one of the speakers at TAFERELEN at Fotodok, Utrecht (NL). The event is rapidly selling out, get your ticket at fotodok.org
Taferelen – February 21st
Lange Nieuwstraat 7
Utrecht (NL)

January 2019 - Foam Paul Huf Award 2019

Image credit: © 2019 Foam

My work has been nominated for the Foam Paul Huf Award 2019. The winner will be announced in March.
Foam Paul Huf Award
More information

January 2019 - Jourfixe Lecture

Image credit: © 2017 Isabelle van Hemert

On January 23, I will be heading to Munich to give a lecture at the Art Academy, as part of their ‘Jourfixe Series’. Additionally, I will also use this visit to meet with students for studio visits. I am excited to exchange my usual role for a different one. 
Akademie der Bildenden Künste
Akademiestraße 2 - 4
Munich (DE)


November 2018 - Exhibition at Fotodok

Image credit: © 2018 Fotodok

‘False Positives’ is part of a group show over at Fotodok in Utrecht, NL. 
The exhibition features works by Eline Benjaminsen, Donald Weber, Salvatore Vitale, among others. The exhibition runs through February 24th, 2019.
Lange Nieuwstraat 7
Utrecht, NL


November 2018 - IMA Online Japan

Image credit: © 2018 IMA Online

My book ‘False Positives’ popped up in this Japanese article, as one of the photobooks of the month.
For those who are interested; the book is for sale at Post Books and at DSM Bookshelf in Tokyo, among other places.
False Positives
Published by Fw:Books
Design: Hans Gremmen

Shortlisted for the Aperture /
Paris Photo Book Award.

November 2018 - Prospects & Concepts

Image credit: © 2018 Art Rotterdam and Mondriaan Fund

In February 2019 the next edition of Art Rotterdam will take place. For this art fair Mondriaan Fund is hosting an exhibition in the former Van Nelle Factory.
My work will be part of it as well.
Prospects & Concepts Exhibition
At ‘Van Nellefabriek’
February 7 – February 10, 2019

More information here.

November 2018 - Artist At Work

Image credit: © 2018 Esther Hovers

On November 27th I will be giving an artist talk at ISCP, along with my fellow artist-in-residence Emily Floyd. 

Nov 27th, 6:30 - 8pm.
View Event
“Esther Hovers will speak about her photographic practice, as well as her work in progress entitled The Traveling Salesman. She will share her process for this project, which she has been developing during her residency at ISCP.”

November 2018 - NARS Foundation

Image credit: © 2018 NARS Foundation Logo

I’m very excited to find out that I have been accepted as an artist-in-residence at NARS Foundation in Brooklyn, New York.
If all goes as planned, I will return to New York in 2019 to continue working on the project I have started over the past few months.
NARS Foundation

International Residency Program www.narsfoundation.org

November 2018 - Lianzhou Foto

Image credit: © 2018 Lianzhou Foto Logo

From December 1st False Positives will be on view at Lianzhou Foto, in Lianzhou, China.
The exhibition runs through January 3rd 2019. 
Curated by Jérôme Sother.
Lianzhou Foto
1 Dec - 3 January 2019

For more info visit the website

October 2018 - Fall Open Studios

Image credit: © 2018 Esther Hovers

Please join us for the Fall Open Studios at ISCP (International Studio and Curatorial Program).

During this weekend I will be showing the works I have been creating during my past months as an artist-in-residence here at ISCP.
Opening: Nov 09, 2018, 6–9pm.
Open Hours: Saturday, November 10, 1–7pm.

ISCP Fall Open Studios
1040 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York.

September 2018 - Shortlist Photobook Awards 2018

Image credit: © 2018 Esther Hovers

The shortlist for the 2018 Photobook Awards have been announced and I am beyond excited that my book False Positives has been nominated for First Photobook.
The Paris Photo /
Aperture Foundation
Photobook Awards, 2018
View full shortlist here.

September 2018 - Book Signing at NYABF

Image credit: © 2018 Esther Hovers

September 21st, 5PM I will be doing a book signing at the New York Art Book Fair. Come find me at the booth of Fw:Books (C01).
NY Art Book Fair
at MoMA PS1
22-25 Jackson Avenue
Free entrance.

August 2018 - Lens - New York Times

Image credit: © 2018 The New York Times

Thank you Jordan Teicher, for including my work on the New York Times Photography Blog: Lens.
The article ‘Gazing Back at the Surveillance Cameras That Watch Us’ discusses the way surveillance is being dealt with in photography.
You can find the article online:
‘Gazing Back at the Surveillance Cameras That Watch Us’
by Jordan Teicher
For The New York Times.

July 2018 - Artist-in-residence at ISCP

Image credit: © 2018 Esther Hovers

This week I received the keys to my studio at ISCP (International Studio and Curatorial Program) in Brooklyn, New York.
I will be an artist-in-residence here for the duration of half a year.

ISCP - Studio 303
1040 Metropolitan Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Feel free to contact me for a studio visit: 
+1 (646) 675-3176

June 2018 - Blog Announcement

Image credit: © 2018 Esther Hovers

By the end of June I will be heading to Brooklyn to be an artist-in-residence at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP).
I will be exploring the city and working on new projects during half a year. I want to keep you updated, that’s why I started a blog.

Check back for regular updates,
on this section of my website.

June 2018 - Galerie Weisser Elefant, Berlin.

Image credit: Galerie Weisser Elefant

‘False Positives’ is currently part of a group show at the Galerie Weisser Elefant in Berlin.
Running until 18/07/2018
Regime der Vorhersage
Galerie Weisser Elefant
Auguststraße 21
Opening 07/06/18 at 7pm.

May 2018 - Heidelberger Kunstverein

Image credit: Heidelberger Kunstverein

‘False Positives’ is currently part of an exhibition at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.
Heidelberger Kunstverein
Heidelberg (DE)
05/05 - 08/07/2018

April 2018 - Krakow Photo Month

Image credit: Krakow Photo Month

‘False Positives’ will be on show during the Krakow Photo Month. The exhibition is curated by Iris Sikking.
Krakow Photo Month
Bunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art
25/05 - 24/06/2018

March 2018 - Milan Digital Week

Image credit: milanodigitalweek.com

My work will be part of a screening during Milano Digital Week. From March 15 through March 18.
Find it at
BASE Milano
More information

February 2018 - Foam Paul Huf Award

Image credit: Foam

My work has been nominated for the Foam Paul Huf Award 2018. The winner will be announced on March 8th.
Foam Paul Huf Award
More information

February 2018 - Magazine curated by Wetransfer

Image credit: Esther Hovers

Thank you Wetransfer for the feature in your beautiful magazine ‘Present’. Wetransfer backgrounds are booked by advertisers.
But 30% of their ad inventory is dedicated to art. That’s how my work popped up on wetransfer last year. Present Magazine 2017/18

January 2018 - Libération

Image credit: Esther Hovers

In this weekend’s Libération you can find a nice article about the Surveillance Index Exhibition at Le Bal, featuring one of my images. 
Libération No. 11394
“Un Monde Veilleur”
By Clementine Mercier

January 2018 - Book Signing at Le Bal

Image credit: Esther Hovers

I will be presenting my new book at Le Bal in Paris. As part of their program ‘Surveillance Index’. On January 13 at 4 pm.
LE BAL -  www.le-bal.fr
6, Impasse de la Défense
75018 Paris (FR)

January 2018 - Plat(t)form 2018

Image credit: Fotomuseum Winterthur

I will be attending Plat(t)form 2018 at Fotomuseum Winterthur, CH. An event which provides 42 photographers with the chance to present their work to a team of experts, as well as the public.
Portfolio Viewing 
SAT 27/01 2018, 11:00–19:00
SUN 28/01 2018, 11:00–17:00

December 2017 - Fotodok Book Club

Image credit: Fotodok

On Thursday December 14, I will be talking about my new book False Positives. Other guests are Simon Roberts and Mathieu Asselin. Interviews by Rob Hornstra. (View event)
Fotodok Book Club
December 14
8 PM - 9:30 PM

November 2017 - Edward Steichen Award

Image credit: ESAL

I am extremely happy and thankful to be the laureate of the Edward Steichen Award Luxembourg 2017.
(View ESAL website)
The prize consists of a residency of 6 months at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) in Brooklyn, New York.

October 2017 - New Book

Image credit: Esther Hovers

Book Signing
Nov 11th, 5 p.m. at Offprint Paris, at the stand of Fw:Books

Offprint Paris
Beaux-Arts de Paris
14 Rue Bonaparte
75006 Paris
False Positives:

Hans Gremmen (design)
Sebastiaan Hanekroot (lithography)
Jos Morree (production)
Sophie Wright (text)
Published by Fw:Books

September 2017

Image credit: Betweter Festival

Starting on September 29th ‘False Positives’ will be shown during ‘Betweter Festival’ in Utrecht. This pop-up exhibition is initiated by Fotodok.
Betweter Festival
September 29 - 30
Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht

August 2017

Image credit: Esther Hovers

My work ‘Structures of Power’ will be part of Photo Festival Schiedam (NL).
Which will take place in October.
Fotofestival Schiedam
October 12 - 22
Location to be confirmed

July 2017

Image credit: Esther Hovers

Güray Oskay has written an article about my work for the Turkish Magazine Architecture Unlimited. The article is both in Turkish as well as English. You can also find it online.
'Anomali Önleyici Olarak Mimarlik'
July 2017
by Güray Oskay

July 2017

Image credit: Esther Hovers

Annette Hans has written an article about my practice for the magazine of Künstlerhaus Bethanien, where I was an artist-in-residence for two months in 2016.
BE Magazine
By Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
BE No. 24

June 2017

Image credit: Jeune Création

My work will be part of a projection during this years Jeune Création exhibition. The slideshow will also be part of screenings during Festival Rencontres d'Arles.
Jeune Création
Thaddhaeus Ropac Gallery
Pantin (FR) - July 8 - July 21

June 2017

Image credit: Foam

My work is featured in a group show at Foam,
Photography Museum of Amsterdam.
The Festival is entitled Foam Fusion and is hosted in honor of the 15th birthday of the museum.
Foam Fusion
June 09 - 11
Keizersgracht 609
Amsterdam, NL

May 2017

Image credit: Logo Stroom

I'm very glad to announce that I will be receiving a grant from Stroom, the Hague. This means it will now be possible to publish my False Positives book.
The book will be published by FW: and designed by Hans Gremmen. If you wish to be informed upon the release of the new edition, feel free to contact me.

May 2017

Image credit: Esther Hovers

This weekend the opening of my solo exhibition in Luxembourg took place. The European Month of Photography is hosted in Luxembourg, so definitely worth a visit. Curated by Danielle Igniti.
Structures of Power
Centre d'Art Dominique Lang (LU)
06/05/2017 - 09/06/2017
Check opening times here

May 2017

Image credit: Esther Hovers

This coming week I will head to Istanbul to give a lecture about my work to the architecture department of Maltepe University.
Urban View
May 12th
Maltepe University, Istanbul (TR)

May 2017

Image credit: Paolo Ciregia, from Perestrojka

From May 1st until the end of the same month, my work will be displayed at the Diffusion International Photography Festival in Cardiff.
Unit 15 Mermaid Quay
Cardiff Bay (UK)

March 2017

Image credit: Logo Mondriaan Fund

I'm extremely happy to announce that I will be receiving a 'Young Talent' grant for the further development of my work from the Mondriaan Fund.
Mondriaan Fund
The public cultural funding organization focusing on visual arts and cultural heritage.

March 2017

Image credit: Agnès b

For the Ligne d'Artistes of Parisian fashion brand Agnès b, we designed a t-shirt with my photograph. Order it here
Agnès b X Esther Hovers – Ligne d'Artistes
Silk screen print / Double stitching.

March 2017

Image credit: Studio Magazine

Studio magazine #11_ Terrific, is now available. My work is part of a featured essay by Vassilis Alymaras (architect and lecturer based in Istanbul).
STUDIO is an architecture and urbanism Magazine.
STUDIO magazine
#11_ Terrific
Sublime vs. Terror / Ruins Act2
by Vassilis Alymaras

March 2017

Image credit: Witte de WIth

I'll be giving a talk about my work at Witte de With, Centre for Contemporary Art, in Rotterdam. This is part of the Class of '17 program. Furthermore, there will be a talk and performance by Frans van Lent. 
Artist Talk / Witte de With
March 7, starting 12pm
Witte de Withstraat 50

February 2017

Image credit: C/O Logo

Opening on February 17 at 7 pm at the C/O Berlin Foundation: "Watched! Surveillance Art & Photography"
My work is part of this group show in Berlin, which includes works by Julian Röder, Viktoria Bintschok, Hito Steyerl, Trevor Paglen, Jill Magid, Hasan Elahi, Paolo Cirio, Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin, James Bridle and Ai Wei Wei.
18/02/2017 - 23/04/2017
C/O Berlin Foundation

February 2017

Image credit: Jan van der Til, Book IV

On the occasion of the fifth edition of the Portfolio Review, a group show featuring the works of nine artists from the past editions will be taking place at the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf.
This includes works by Thomas Albdorf, Andrey Bogush, Maurice van Es, Esther Hovers, Paul Hutchinson, Vendula Knopová, Sasha Kurmaz, Jan van der Til and Nikolas Ventourakis.
02/02/2017 - 12/03/2017
NRW-Forum Düsseldorf

January 2017

Image credit: Esther Hovers

Two of my photographs were featured with an article about the idea of a universal income in French newspaper Libération.

January 2017

Image credit: Holden Gallery

My work will be part of a group exhibition entitled "Glut: Images, information and excess".
The show opens January 16 at the Holden Gallery in Manchester.
16/01/2017 - 03/03/2017
Holden Gallery, Manchester UK

January 2017

Image credit: Esther Hovers

I shot a short series for De Correspondent. The photos accompany an essay on habits by Bregje Hofstede.
You can find it

December 2016

Image credit: ALAN Gallery

January 5th will be the opening of a group show entitled 'New Photography II'. My work is part of this show in Istanbul.
05/01/2017 - 05/02/2017
ALAN Gallery

November 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers

A few of my False Positives images just went live on wetransfer. An interview about the project will follow shortly (November 17).
Part of wetransfer backgrounds are booked by advertisers, the rest is dedicated to the work of artists. Check it out here.

October 2016

Image credit: LDS Gallery

October 22 will be the opening of a public installation of contemporary photography in the main street of Reggio Emilia (IT).
This installation includes one of my works, and
another by Alberto Sinigaglia. There will be music and drinks, stop by if you're in the neighbourhood: LDS Gallery at Via Luigi Carlo Farini. The event is curated by Luca Massaro.

October 2016

Image credit: Sarah Pickering

On October 22 I will be giving a talk about False Positives in Brighton, at the Miniclick Photo Talks. This is part of this year's Brighton Photo Fringe.

October 2016

Image credit: Fetart

October 13-15 will be a pop-up exhibition to launch Galerie Circulations. A few of my works are included and for sale there. I can't be there myself but please drop by if you're in the neighbourhood.
Opening at 19h
21 rue des Filles du Calvaire - Paris 3e

October 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers

This week was the launch of a publication I made in collaboration with the StartPoint Prize in Prague, CZ.
The book is a modest catalogue of my works.
"Structures of Power"
on the works of Esther Hovers
Edition of 300

September 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers

False Positives is featured in M, Le Magazine du Monde this weekend, with four spreads.
“Présumés Suspects"
Text by Juliette Briancard
No. 260, September 10

August 2016

Image credit: Künstlerhaus Bethanien

I am very excited to spend the next two months in an artist residency in Berlin (Sept / Oct. 2016) This is a residency programme called
Künstlerhaus Bethanien, situated in Kreuzberg. If you happen to be in the city, let me know!

August 2016

Image credit: Fotopub

I just got back from a week of Fotopub Festival. This is a festival in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. I was invited to show my work by a
young Dutch platform called Dockingstation I took over their instagram account for the duration of the festival.

May 2016

Image credit: M, Le Magazine du Monde

My work is mentioned in this weeks M, the magazine of Le Monde.
Le M,
Visions d'Europe
by Claire Guillot
May 21 2016

May 2016

Image credit: CNA

I will be traveling to Luxemburg to join the portfolio reviews at Pomhouse / CNA. Saturday May 14th is a public event at the
Pomhouse, during which the work of all participating artists will be presented.

May 2016

Image credit: Pagina99

My work is featured in an Italian printed weekly called Pagina99.
'In strada siamo tutti criminale',
April 30 2016

April 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers

I just got back from a great week of exhibiting at Salone del Mobile in Milan. Together with a group of KABK alumni and students,
I presented work in progress called 'Scenarios'. An overview of our work can be found here.

April 2016

Image credit: YAA

I'm very glad to be one of the lucky ones to receive a grand from the Young Art Fund Amsterdam. A big thank you to the board and all members of YAA !

March 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers

Lise Martin wrote a nice piece about my work for the French Grazia. You can read it here. It features my portrait by the wonderful Katarína Gališinová.
'Les Faux Criminels'
by Lise Martin
Grazia FR No. 0336

March 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers

Great news!
My work is being shown in the Parisian metro. As part of the 2016 Festival Circulation(s).
My photos can be found at:

Hôtel de Ville
Bir Hakeim
La Chapelle
(March 22 - June 26)
Pont de Neuilly
La Motte-Piquet-Grenelle
(March 22 - April 4)

March 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers

False Positives is featured in the new issue of the British Journal of Photography.
BJP - Weird Science issue
No. 7846, 2016

March 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers

An overview of my work is soon to be seen in an exhibition at the Tribew Publishing House in Paris.
(March 25 - April 8)
The 25th is also the launch of the E-Book, which I made in collaboration with Tribew. Come and stop by between 14 - 20hrs if you're in the neighbourhood!
Editions Tribew
41 Rue des Tournelles
Paris 3e (FR)

March 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers

From March 17 - May 2 an overview of my work is ondisplay at Stroom in the Hague, NL. You can find it near the entrance at the 'OpZicht' wall.
Hogewal 1
The Hague, NL

February 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers

'False Positives' is featured in this week's Courrier International, in France.
Courrier International
'Tendances - Flagrants Délits'
No. 1320, February 18 - 24, 2016

February 2016

Image credit: Wired.com

'False Positives' is featured on WIRED. Laura Mallonee has written a piece about my project.
'Can you spot the suspicious behavior in these photos?' - February 2 2016

February 2016

Image credit: Esther Hovers / Arti et Amicitiae

'False Positives' will be exhibited in a group show at Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam, opening February 6.
Arti et Amicitiae,
Rokin 112
Amsterdam, NL

January 2016

Image credit: Portfolio Reviews Düsseldorf

I will be traveling to Düsseldorf to participate in the portfolio reviews at the NRW-Forum. I'll be giving a short presentation about my work along with the other artists. This is a public event at the NRW-Forum, February 13, starting at 11 am.
Ehrenhof 2
Düsseldorf, DE.

November 2015

Image credit: Esther Hovers

This past year I have been working on a project about the 'Lucent Dans Theater', the 'Dr. Anton Philipszaal' and the Royal Conservatory of the Hague. All three buildings
will be united in one new construction in the centre of the Hague. The series is now finished an will soon be featured in the online database of the Archive of the Hague, NL.

November 2015

Image credit: Esther Hovers

This Friday was the opening of the exhibition 'Now or Never #3' at GEM, the Hague. My work is part of this group exhibition, which
shows the work of 12 KABK fine art and photography graduates of the past two years. The show will run until January 17 2016.

November 2015

Image credit: YET Magazine

'False Positives' will be featured in YET magazine's ninth issue; 'Control'.

November 2015

Image credit: YET Magazine

During Paris Photo, YET Magazine has launched an archive book that focusses on the past nine issues of the magazine. One of my photographs is part of it.

October 2015

Image credit: BNO img Lab

Coming Tuesday, October 27, I will give a short talk about my latest project 'False Positives' at Nieuwe Instituut. I will be giving this talk in Dutch.
Pioneers, BNO img Lab
Nieuwe Instituut
Rotterdam, NL

October 2015

Image credit: De Mus Logo

Coming Wednesday, October 21, I will give a talk about my project 'False Positives' at the Torpedo Theater. I will talk in Dutch.
De Mus
Torpedo Theater
Sint Pieterspoortsteeg 33
Amsterdam, NL

October 2015

Image credit: Esther Hovers for De Correspondent

For Dutch online in depth news platform, I photographed philosipher Beate Roessler. Correspondent Maurits Martijn wrote a very
interesting article on his interview with her about her research into today's privacy issues.

October 2015

Image credit: Unknown

I'm very honoured to announce that I am the winner of the Steenbergen Stipend 2015. This is a prize for Dutch photography graduates.
My work and the projects of the other nominees is on display at the Dutch Photo Museum in Rotterdam until November 1.

October 2015

Image credit: Circulation(s) Logo

'False Positives' will be part of the French Photography Festival Circulation(s). My work was chosen along with the work of 23 other young European photographers. The festival will take place from March 26 until June 26 at the CENTQUATRE-Paris.
5 Rue Curial
Paris 19e

October 2015

Image credit: Tribew Logo

'Le jury organisé pour le Prix Tribew récompense Esther Hovers'.
Tribew is a publishing house specializing in in digital publications. My work has been
selected by the jury for a digital publication, which is to be launched during Circulation(s) in March in Paris.

September 2015

Image credit: Startpoint Prize

I'm glad to announce that I am the winner of the 2015 Startpoint Prize. This is a prize for European art graduates. In the spring of 2016 I will head back to Prague for a month long
residency. Work of all the nominees is on show at the National Gallery, Fairtrade Palace until the 1st of November.

September 2015

Image credit: Esther Hovers

False Positives is currently on display at the Citroën Kunsthal in Amsterdam. This venue is part of the Unseen Photo Festival 2015.
The work will be exhibited until October 26 and is represented by gallery Ron Mandos.

September 2015

Image credit: Unseen

My book False Positives has been shortlisted for the Unseen Dummy Award. You can come see it at the book market at Unseen Photo Fair.
From 18-20 September. Also, be sure to check out 'Anthropocene' by my former classmate Cleo Wächter.

September 2015

Image credit: Esther Hovers

My work is on it's way to Prague! It will be on display at the National Gallery, Fairtrade Palace, Prague CZ
Startpoint Prize Exhibition
National Gallery, Prague (CZ)
09/29/2015 - 11/01/2015

August 2015

Image credit: Unknown

I'm very happy to be the winner of the Ron Mandos Photo Talent 2015 as well as the Ron Mandos Visitor's Award.
This is part of the 'Best of Graduates' group show at gallery Ron Mandos.

August 2015

Image credit: Esther Hovers

'False Positives' is part of a group show over at Gallery Ron Mandos. This exhibition gathers the work of recent art graduates from different disciplines and academies.
Best of Graduates
Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam (NL)
08/08/2015 - 08/29/2015

July 2015

Image credit: Esther Hovers

I'm very happy to announce that my work 'False Positives' has been nominated for the Steenbergen Stipend. The project will be exhibited at the Dutch
Photo Museum in Rotterdam, in a group show displaying the work of all 5 nominees.
The exhibition will be open between Sept 26th and Nov 1st.

July 2015

Image credit: Esther Hovers

One of the photographs of my graduation project 'False Positives' is featured in today's paper.
Dutch newspaper NRC Next.
In Beeld: 'Rennen, opsplitsen, stilstaan'.
July 3rd, 2015

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com

© 2024 Esther Hovers