False Positives
The Right to be Forgotten
Traveling Salesman
A Practice
Audio Dérives
On Walking
Embossed Works
Smartlap (or Sorrow Cloth)
The Right to be Forgotten
Traveling Salesman
A Practice
Audio Dérives
On Walking
Embossed Works
Smartlap (or Sorrow Cloth)
The Glucksman
Public Space
Arti Amsterdam
Pinakothek Munich
ISCP - New York
NARS Foundation
Natural Dyes
Images Vevey
Public Space
Arti Amsterdam
Pinakothek Munich
ISCP - New York
NARS Foundation
Natural Dyes
Images Vevey
On Walking
Through my work I reflect on (intangible) power structures in public space. To what extend are our movements determined by the architecture, surveillance and norms of this space? This triptych is part of an ongoing project about a mathematical problem, named the Traveling Salesman Problem. This problem – which looks at efficiency of routing and movement – is another metaphor for an invisible power structure. The approach that I have taken in the production of this work was to view my creative process as the final result. The idea comes from a pin board, but is turned into a set of collages. My interest is in using poetry to look at technology – so that we might relate to it on a more human level.

Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.
© 2019 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com