False Positives
The Right to be Forgotten
Traveling Salesman
A Practice
Audio Dérives
On Walking
Embossed Works
Smartlap (or Sorrow Cloth)
The Right to be Forgotten
Traveling Salesman
A Practice
Audio Dérives
On Walking
Embossed Works
Smartlap (or Sorrow Cloth)
The Glucksman
Public Space
Arti Amsterdam
Pinakothek Munich
ISCP - New York
NARS Foundation
Natural Dyes
Images Vevey
Public Space
Arti Amsterdam
Pinakothek Munich
ISCP - New York
NARS Foundation
Natural Dyes
Images Vevey
︎Vostok Magazine 45호_시선에 관하여 / Number 45 About Looking
Esther Hovers, published by 보스토크 프레스 / VOSTOK PRESS (KOR)
︎‘No. 11 Carnet du Bal - L'image à l'épreuve des machines. Reconfigurations du visible’
Emmanuel Alloa, published by Les Presses du Réel, Paris (FR)
︎‘Data Streams: Art, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence’
Fiona Hallinan, published by Camera Austria 157, 2022, Graz (AT)
︎‘Data Streams, Glucksman Gallery, Cork’
Chris Hayes, published by Art Monthly Issue 454, London (UK)
︎‘Maschinenbuch - Eine Sammlung zur Kultur- und Kunstgeschichte der Apparate.’
Gottfried Hattinger, published by Scheidegger & Spiess, Linz (AT)
︎‘Future of the Image: Why Disappearing Pictures?’
Esther Hovers for Why Pictures?, Warsaw (PL)
︎‘New Photography : Create, Collect, Compile at NOMA’
Bex Ya Yolk for BURNAWAY, Atlanta, Georgia (USA)
︎‘The Politics of Training Data’
Ann-Christin Bertrand for Automated Photography, ECAL Lausanne,
Switzerland (CH)
︎‘Beyond the Visible: The Hidden Structures of the Street’
Sophie Wright for Lens Culture (NL)
︎‘False Positives’
Sophie Wright for Open! Platform for Art, Culture & The Public Domain (NL)
︎‘Traveling Salesman’,
Katherine Adams for Nowhere Collective (NL)
︎‘Elisa Gutiérrez Eriksen on The process of calculating one’s position at NARS Foundation’,
By Etty Yaniv for Art Spiel (USA)
︎‘Calcular mi posición en Sunset Park’,
Daniel G. Campos for Vice Versa Magazine (USA)
︎‘A Wide Spectrum of Ideas and Artist Studios in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park’,
Alissa Guzman for Hyperallergic (USA)
︎'Gazing Back at the Surveillance Cameras That Watch Us',
Jordan Teicher for The New York Time Blog 'Lens', (USA)
︎'Urban Algorithms', Portfolio Feature, Aesthetica, Issue 84 (UK)
︎'Esther Hovers Recreates Scenes Of Suspicious Behavior To Question Surveillance In Society',
by Stephanie Wade, IGNANT Magazine (DE)
︎'False Positives' Brian Huang for The Big Issue Taiwan (TW)
︎'Un Monde Veilleur', by Clementine Mercier, Libération (FR)
︎‘Anomali önleyici olarak mimarlık’, Güray Oskay, Art Unlimited (TR)
︎Raw View Magazine, False Positives (FI)
︎‘Whose Future?’, Annette Hans, No. 24, BE Magazine (DE)
︎Corps du Pouvoir, Exhibition text for Centre d’Art Dominique Lang,
Sofia Eliza Bouratsis (LU)
︎‘Sublime vs. Terror / Ruins Act2’, Vassilis Alymaras,
STUDIO magazine #11_ Terrific (IT)
︎Invisible Culture Issue 25: Security and Visibility, Rochester University, NY (USA)
︎‘Revenu universel : une idée qui travaille la gauche’, Luc Peillon, Libération (FR)
︎‘Hoe je je wél aan goede voornemens kunt houden’,
Bregje Hofstede, De Correspondent, (NL)
︎Esther Hovers : False Positives,
Suzanne Tromp, This Works (Wetransfer Art Platform), (NL)
︎‘Présumés Suspects’, Juliette Briancard, M, (Le Monde Magazine), (FR)
︎‘Structures of Power - On the works of Esther Hovers’, Start Point Prize, (CZ)
︎‘Visions d’Europe’, Claire Guillot, Le M, (Le Monde Magazine), (FR)
︎‘Lightbox’, Cecilia Mussi, Pagina99 (IT)
︎‘Smarter Cities’, Regine Buschauer, POP Kultur und Kritik #7 (DE)
︎’Tendances - Flagrants Délits’, Luc Briand, Courrier International (FR)
︎‘False Positives’, Sophie Wright, Weird Science Issue,
The British Journal of Photography (UK)
︎‘Photos show what crime looks like before it happens’,
Ana Swanson, Washington Post (USA)
︎‘False Positives’, #09, Control, YET Magazine (CH)
︎‘Can You Spot the Suspicious Behavior In These Photographs?’
Laura Mallonee, Wired.com, (USA)
Laura Mallonee, Wired.jp (JP)
︎‘De waakhond van de geheime diensten wil door kunnen bijten,
maar heeft er de tanden niet voor’, Maurits Martijn, De Correspondent (NL)
︎YET Archive book, Edited by Salvatore Vitale (CH)
︎‘Bij je moeder op de bank anders zijn dan bij je vrienden in de kroeg.
Dat is echte privacy.’ Maurits Martijn, De Correspondent (NL)
︎‘Rennen, opsplitsen, stil staan’, In Beeld, NRC Next (NL)
︎‘Met een verrekijker om de nek langs de talenten’ Parool (NL)
Jan Pieter Ekker
︎’Perception Is Reality’
by Franziska Nori, published by Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Mein (DE)
︎’Vue de dos - Images à contre-courant’,
by Isabelle de Longrée, Le Delta, Namur (BE)
︎’Fotografie Heute - Resistant Faces’,
by Jana Haeckel, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich (DE)
︎Artist E-Book Esther Hovers - Circulation(s), Tribew Publishers, Paris (FR)
︎‘False Positives’, Esther Hovers, Selfpublished, the Hague (NL)
︎Startpoint Prize 2015, catalogue (CZ)
Academic Texts
︎'Facing Surveillance - Artistic and Curatorial Strategies in Times of Control’.
PhD by Rosa Wevers, Utrecht University (NL)
︎'The Aesthetics of the Hidden.
Visualization of Surveillance-Dispositives in Artistic Positions of Jill Magid, Esther Hovers and Trevor Paglen.'
Master Thesis by Julia Latzel, University of Hildesheim (DE)
︎'Algorithmic Visuality and the Remaking of Urban Everyday Life',
Essay by Sarah Al-Dahir, UvA, University of Amsterdam (NL)
︎'Algorithmic Visuality and the Remaking of Urban Everyday Life',
PhD by Thomas Mayer-Lemieux, National Institute for Scientific Research (INRS), (CA)
︎'A Place Like All Others: Picturing Global Capital in Urban Space',
Master Thesis by David Flood, Institute of Art, Design and Technology Dún Laoghaire (IE)
︎’Facing Surveillance: On Artistic Explorations of Biometric Technologies’,
Master Thesis by Rosa Wevers, Utrecht University (NL)
Video / Audio
︎'Webinar Esther Hovers - Macht en Poëzie van Technologie,
Interview Beeldvoorziening by Simone Henken (NL).
︎'An interview with Esther Hovers / Artist and Photographer‘,
Interview by Josh Croll for Boxed Off (SCH).
︎'#6 - Tussen videokunst en surveillance camera',
Kunstmatig de Podcast by Rosa Wevers / Veerle Spronck (NL).
︎'Podcast Mens met Esther Hovers’,
Interview by Sander Pleij for Vrij Nederland (NL).
︎'Out Of Focus’,
Documentary on art in times of Corona, directed by Maarten de Kroon (NL).
︎'Interview – In Times of Corona’,
Interview met Naomi Moonlion for the exhibition ‘Capturing Corona’ at Stroom (NL).
︎'Anonym war Gestern: Für ein projekt der KulturRegion Stuttgart steht die Villa Merkel “Unter Beobachtung”,
Interview for German Telivision, SWR2 (DE).
︎'Exposition – Le prix de notre liberté de pensée’,
Centre d’Art GwinZegal for French Telivision, France 3 Bretagne (FR).
Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.
© 2024 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com
Unless otherwise stated, this website and all content within this site are the property of
Esther Hovers and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.
© 2024 Esther Hovers – www.estherhovers.com